Sep 29Liked by Geoff Shackelford

It has taken me a long time to see that Tron of NLU has been right all along about Tom Kim, but that whining about not being given a putt of a distance from which the World #1 missed twice today, tipped me over the edge. Now, I can only think of other antics of his the last couple of years that speak to him as being a spoilt, immature and “thirsty” general annoyance.

It is a consolation, however, to realize that the golfing gods have already been on his case - that 6-6-6 finish in Memphis to miss being qualified for next year’s signature events by one stroke cannot be interpreted as anything but karma.

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He's also another example of what happens when you don't hand out slow play penalties. He does not get any faster!

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No worries! In every generation, in every sport - there's a Tom Kim. They are there to answer the prayers of journalists:)

Politics, on the other hand - supplies an endless stream of these self absorbed men & women

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17 hrs agoLiked by Geoff Shackelford

I hope your fantasy match has less playing through commercials than the real thing.

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Another perk of living in a fictional world! They have made easy for me to feel less guilty about switching over to other stuff with all the breaks.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Geoff Shackelford

I watched a little before switching to Peacock for the ND/Louisville fracas. The nbc production continues to be annoying in so many ways, not the least of which is the persistent roar of crowd noise at the same volume as the vapid "analysis." I suppose they think it adds something to the viewers experience, as if one is actually there. It doesn't. Otherwise, I am adding the reference to a "funeral at the Villages" to my collection of Quad induced chuckles.

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Outside of McGinley, it's wild to hear the difficulty they often have in questioning American plays or decisions.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Geoff Shackelford

Your alternative format for Sunday (not everyone plays) is intriguing because it creates drama in the selection process. But ultimately, I think I want to see everyone go out in singles. Those who have played poorly in the team matches or have been left off too often (e.g. Leona Maguire) sometimes come through in the clutch.

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I agree all going out is preferred, but 16 matches in my way of thinking, lessened the importance of some and seems like too many. But you are right about how often in these events it's the one forced to play that comes through when everyone least suspects. And we've seen many of those people then catapult the win to better things.

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Could be that I need a 2nd cup of coffee - but do you have Rose Zang in match 3 and Match 6 today?

Generally speaking the PC has been kinda just ok for most fans. OK - sometimes not even that. This one has produced some outstanding golf, the Ints are competitive and we can generally tune out the attempts by NBC to (dare I say it?) 'Trump up some drama'

Ko v Korda is worth the price of admission on its own. Too bad they apparently really like each off the course:)

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No it's not your coffee, it's me juggling two football games, the Dodgers, Tom Kim mandrama and forgetting that was going to be Lilia Vu in the sixth match! Sorry about that.

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I was really into it yesterday. The matches were mostly competitive and team match play is inherently exciting. Foursomes are fantastic because of the faster pace. Cantlay’s putt and MacKensie Hughes’ appalling pitch on 18 were the difference between a borderline competitive result and an insurmountable lead. Too bad the talent gap is so massive. This could be a good event. Tom Kim did make me want to root for Keegan but these events need a little bad blood.

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The foursomes pace is so much better and I don't know why I didn't use this fake Cup to rid the world of Four-ball for good! It's 5:30 for them to get around a course over 18 now in Four-ball (like with threesomes at a major). And you are right, they need bad blood and maybe seem to have it.

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I remain really confused by this week’s presidents cup missives. Why are they fictionalized? Normally I love the updates but I’m a bit baffled. Am I missing something?

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Sorry about that Greg. The Quad was started to cover the majors and Ryder Cup. Everything else isn't really my beat. I thought, given the passion some have for a mixed event, that this would be a fun way to weave in some of the real occurrences with dream scenarios. We'll bee back to boring ole reality after tomorrow's wrap up.

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17 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs agoLiked by Geoff Shackelford

Yes. Among other things:

1. The PGAT cares not about the the Greatest Game, but only their money, from wherever it comes: Sponsors, AcushnetTaylorMadePINGCallaway, CBSNBC. In this they are no different from Major League Baseball or the NFL, where Manfred and Goodell are leading two great sports (baseball, the second greatest sport, and football, which will eventually disappear as the feeder system dries up because of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy) down the drain, whether they understand this or not. Ditto for the NCAA, and especially their two big sports, football and basketball. No offense to the NBA or international football, but I know nothing about them after cutting the cord.

2. Watching borderline and not-so-borderline surly professional golfers on TV is a waste of time (but I do it occasionally...habit). Moreover, their contempt for the (good and honorable) traditions of the game and its rules is offensive. Players in the state and national events I play in (qualifiers only for the latter and likely to stay that way) are more seriously cognizant of the Rules of Golf than those who make their living at the game.

3. A four-day competition between the Dullards of the PGAT and their International counterparts (who are generally not nearly as dull) is ridiculous and can only be related to #1.

4. We (i.e., golfers) would be a lot better off is we stopped enabling this nonsense. The Game of Golf does not need the PGAT to flourish. The Majors and the major Cup competitions are quite enough.

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This year's ratings would suggest point 4 is happening. To your other points, recreational/junior golf is benefiting from the gruesome physical stuff happening in the other sports. This was an opportune time for pro golf to capitalize on all of the money talk in college sports but they've blown it. Maybe there was little chance with the oversaturation sensibility that many core golf fans recognize, but the response to LIV and now the indoor video game league continue to chip away at the opportunity.

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